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Bressan, B. (2021). Communication beyond Learning, Knowledge Management and Technology Transfer into Education, Springer(forthcoming).


Streit-Bianchi, M., Bressan, B. (2019) Al CERN la scienza, un ponte tra culture. Giornale di Fisica (2), 233-234.

Bressan, B. (ed.) (2015). From Physics to Daily Life: Applications in Biology, Medicine, and Healthcare. CERN 60th Anniversary Book, Wiley-Blackwell.


Bressan, B. (ed.) (2015). From Physics to Daily Life: Applications in Informatics, Energy, and Environment. CERN 60th Anniversary Book, Wiley-Blackwell.


Bertolucci, S., Bressan, B., Caspers, F., Garb, Y., Gross, A.,& Pauletta, S., (2014). The BGU/CERN Solar Hydrothermal Reactor. Conference Proceedings EuroSun 2014, International Solar Energy Society.


Bressan, B. (2011), The individual in the ATLAS Collaboration: A Learning Perspective. in: Boisot M., Nordberg M., Yami S., & Nicquever, Collisions and Collaboration, Oxford University Press.


Bressan, B. (2011). Knowledge management in an International Research Centre. Lambert Academic Publishing.


Davies, H., Bressan, B. (eds.) (2010). A History of International Research Networking: The People who Made it Happen. Wiley-Blackwell.


Bressan, B., Vitè, D. (2008). CERN et Entreprises de Haute-Savoie : Etude de l’Agence Economique Départementale de la Haute-Savoie. Rapport d'études, l’Agence Economique Départementale (AED), CERN.


Bressan, B., Streit-Bianchi, M. (eds.) (2005). CERN technology transfers to industry and society. CERN publication.


Bressan, B. (2004). A study of the research and development benefits to society resulting from an international research centre. Academic dissertation, Faculty of Science, University of Helsinki,  23 July 2004.


Sirage, E., Bressan, B. & Streit-Bianchi, M. (2006). Technology Transfer Opportunities. Magnets Workshop: Trends, Development and Collaboration Possibilities, 7‐8 June 2006, CERN. 


Bressan, B. (2005). Knowledge and Technology Transfer @ CERN. Grid Entrepreneurship Workshop, 26 July 2006, CERN. 


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