With more than 15 years of experience in EU-funded and commercial projects, Lynkeus successfully carried out several innovations and impacting projects and participated in several proposals.
EDITH is a Coordination and Support Action (CSA), funded by the European Commission, which will capitalise on the developments of digital technologies, high performance computing, availability and access to research and healthcare data in Europe, with the mission of defining a roadmap from separated single organ systems, to data-driven and knowledge-driven fully integrated multiscale and multiorgan whole-body twin. This will be done by proceeding towards a sustainable ecosystem, driven by a consensus among the European community, and implemented through the aid of practical tools, such as a data/model repository, and a simulation platform.

DT4H (DataTools4Heart, HORIZON EUROPE 2022-2026) will develop a privacy-preserving cardiology data toolbox, including standardised data ingestion and harmonisation tools providing a common data model, multilingual natural language processing, federated machine learning, differentially private data synthesis generation, and 7 language models adapted to the cardiology domain. DT4H will also leave the legacy of a federated learning platform with an embedded metadata catalogue and AI virtual assistants, and the CardioSynth open database of synthetic data remaining as available for further research and AI experimentation.

SIMCor (In Silico testing and validation of Cardiovascular Implantable devices, H2020, 2021 – 2023). SIMCor will develop an open, reusable, cloud-based platform for the in-silico testing, validation and regulatory approval of cardiovascular implantable devices at the service of researchers, medical device manufacturers and regulatory bodies.

EuCanImage (A European Cancer Image Platform Linked to Biological and Health Data for Next-Generation Artificial Intelligence and Precision Medicine in Oncology, H2020, 2020 – 2022). The goal of EuCanImage is to build a highly secure, federated and large-scale European cancer imaging platform, with capabilities that will greatly enhance the potential of artificial intelligence in oncology.
KRAKEN (BroKeRage And marKet platform for pErsoNal data, H2020, 2019 – 2022). KRAKEN will deliver a trusted and secure personal data platform with state-of-the-art privacy aware analytics methods, enabling the sharing/brokerage/trading of potentially sensitive personal data under the full control of citizens (data subjects) throughout the entire data lifecycle.
euCanSHare (An EU-Canada joint infrastructure for next-generation multi-Study Heart research, H2020, 2018 – 2022) is a joint EU-Canada project to establish a cross-border data sharing and multi-cohort cardiovascular research platform, including a web-based data access system with functionalities for increased efficiency in cardiovascular data-driven research.
MHMD (MyHealth-MyData, H2020, 2016-2019) is a blockchain-based system for health, which has exerted the function of a technological, ethical and legal sandbox for testing the feasibility, robustness and meaningfulness of a new privacy paradigm allowing to develop “trust-less trust” to facilitate data transactions between citizens, hospitals, research centres, and businesses. It introduced advanced privacy-enhancing technologies based on “bringing the algorithms to the data” with secure computation and generating synthetic data coupled with differential privacy.