Lynkeus offersmedium-term strategic consultancy aimed at the identification, evaluation and planning of innovative strategic solutionssuch as new business areas, new technologies introduction, organisational and functional restructuring, internal network creation, scientific research programme identification and proposal development at regional, national and EU level.

Thanks to its accrued experience in FP6/FP7/H2020 programmes, Lynkeus offers established project management services to organisations seeking European Commission funds for innovative research projects. By leveraging effective governance structures, quality assurance and risk assessment procedures, knowledge sharing and internal communication tools, Lynkeus works in a closely integrated fashion to prompt a co-operative and effective decision-making process.


Leveraging its expertise in the implementation of ledger technologies in healthcare, Lynkeus supports companies and institutions seeking to develop blockchains to support their activity, from technical requirement elicitation, needs and constraints analysis, to product management, for the identification and implementation of the most appropriate blockchain model and features. In particular, Lynkeus is fostering the use of blockchain as a key solution to major challenges in healthcare, such as privacy protection, systems interoperability, patient empowerment over personal data, data sharing, access control and logistics.

Lynkeus supports the design and the implementation of advanced decision support technologies in the medical field, including machine learning and artificial intelligence models for a variety of diseases. Since Avicenna Roadmap co-authoring, Lynkeus has been pioneering the use of advanced in-silico solutions for biomedical research, promoting the use of anatomical models and virtual patients in clinical trials.

In the course of MyHealthMyData and other subsequent projects, Lynkeus has been exploring innovative techniques for generation of synthetic data and their use as key enhancer of biomedical R&D productivity under the highest privacy standards, as well as secure computation bringing the algorithms to the data, through homomorphic encryption, secure multi-party computation, and federated learning.

By taking part in the development of transnational data sharing platforms in healthcare, Lynkeus has gained thorough experience in the analysis of relevant Ethical, Legal and Social Implications (ELSI), along with state-of-the-art technical solutions for data security and privacy. The team offers ethical and legal advice for attaining compliance to the GDPR and national regulations, along with privacy-preserving data sharing, secure computation, and synthetic data generation solutions.

Lynkeus’ expertise comprises science dissemination and communication strategies, suited to highlight scientific and technological outcomes, effectively engage relevant stakeholders and maximise public outreach, ensuring that contents are understandable by both experts and lay people, involving associations, foundations and interest groups, favouring networking and research collaboration, boosting industrial, economic and societal impact.

Lynkeus has specialised in the exploitation and intellectual property rights (IPR) management of scientific results and technologies stemming from EU-funded research programmes. From management of patent portfolios, open access and open research data policies, to exploitation, business and commercialisation strategy planning.