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Camurri, A., El Raheb, K., Even-Zohar, O., Ioannidis, Y., Markatzi, A., Matos, J. M., Morley-Fletcher, E., Palacio, P., Romero, M., Sarti, A., & Di Pietro, S. (2016). WhoLoDancE: Towards a methodology for selecting Motion Capture Data across different Dance Learning Practice. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Movement and Computing 2016 Jul 5 (p. 43). ACM.
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Morley-Fletcher, E. (2020). Transparency and Trust in Health Data, Health Data Interest Group @VP16, Costa Rica, 11 November 2020.
Morley-Fletcher, E. (2020). Comprehensive Guidelines on Blockchain Applications in Health, Blockchain Applications in Health WG @VP16, Costa Rica, 9 November 2020.
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Morley-Fletcher, E. (2017). MyHealthMyData, Centre des technologies de l’information de l’État, Luxembourg, 16 June 2017.
Morley-Fletcher, E. (2017). Encryption, Anonymisation, and Artificial Intelligence, presentation at the Workshop on Data anonymisation - a key enabler for clinical data sharing organised by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), London 30 November – 1 December 2017.
Morley-Fletcher, E. (2017). What can be the role of CDSS in paediatric clinical practice?, From Algorithms to Clinical Decisions, MD-PAEDIGREE Final Conference, Rome, 23 May 2017.
Morley-Fletcher, E. (2017). MyHealthMyData, Big Data PPP INFO DAY 2017, Luxembourg, 17-8 January 2017.
Morley-Fletcher, E. (2016). Big data and innovations in health, EHRA Innovation Forum, Tegernsee Bavaria, 10-11 February 2016.
Morley-Fletcher E (2014). Innovation & Big Data CERN, Geneva, 26 September 2014.